什麼是 ICACLS ? 遇到需管理員權限才能刪除的檔案怎麼辦? 開不了USB 或HARDDISK 可能和使用者權限有關!

什麼是 ICACLS ? 遇到需管理員權限才能刪除的檔案怎麼辦開不了USB HARDDISK 可能和使用者權限有關!

ICACLS CMD 命令是一個 Windows 命令行實用程式,允許使用者管理和修改檔和資料夾許可權。它是一個功能強大的工具,可用於控制對計算機上的檔和資料夾的訪問,以及授予或拒絕對特定使用者或組的訪問。ICACLS 命令可用於設置或修改本地和遠端檔和資料夾的許可權。

Access control entryACE 是一套記錄或許可權規則,用於控制使用者/組對檔對象的各個許可權級別。


完全存取 F

修改存取權限 M)(包括刪除

讀取與執行存取 RX

唯讀取 R

只寫入 W

 ICACLS 命令列如下




Specifies the file for which to display or modify DACLs.


Specifies the directory for which to display or modify DACLs.


Performs the operation on all specified files in the current directory and its subdirectories.


Continues the operation despite any file errors. Error messages will still be displayed.


Performs the operation on a symbolic link instead of its destination.


Suppresses success messages.

[/save <ACLfile> [/t] [/c] [/l] [/q]]

Stores DACLs for all matching files into an access control list (ACL) file for later use with /restore.

[/setowner <username> [/t] [/c] [/l] [/q]]

Changes the owner of all matching files to the specified user.

[/findsid <sid> [/t] [/c] [/l] [/q]]

Finds all matching files that contain a DACL explicitly mentioning the specified security identifier (SID).

[/verify [/t] [/c] [/l] [/q]]

Finds all files with ACLs that are not canonical or have lengths inconsistent with access control entry (ACE) counts.

[/reset [/t] [/c] [/l] [/q]]

Replaces ACLs with default inherited ACLs for all matching files.

[/grant[:r] <sid>:<perm>[...]]

Grants specified user access rights. Permissions replace previously granted explicit permissions.

Not adding the :r, means that permissions are added to any previously granted explicit permissions.

[/deny <sid>:<perm>[...]]

Explicitly denies specified user access rights. An explicit deny ACE is added for the stated permissions and the same permissions in any explicit grant are removed.

[/remove[:g | :d]] <sid>[...] [/t] [/c] [/l] [/q]

Removes all occurrences of the specified SID from the DACL. This command can also use:

·         :g - Removes all occurrences of granted rights to the specified SID.

·         :d - Removes all occurrences of denied rights to the specified SID.

[/setintegritylevel [(CI)(OI)] <Level>:<Policy>[...]]

Explicitly adds an integrity ACE to all matching files. The level can be specified as:

·         l - Low

·         m- Medium

·         h - High

Inheritance options for the integrity ACE may precede the level and are applied only to directories.

[/substitute <sidold><sidnew> [...]]

Replaces an existing SID (sidold) with a new SID (sidnew). Requires using with the <directory> parameter.

/restore <ACLfile> [/c] [/l] [/q]

Applies stored DACLs from <ACLfile> to files in the specified directory. Requires using with the <directory> parameter.

/inheritancelevel: [e | d | r]

Sets the inheritance level, which can be:

·         e - Enables inheritance

·         d - Disables inheritance and copies the ACEs

·         r - Disables inheritance and removes only inherited ACEs

From Microsoft website: icacls | Microsoft Learn)


window search 打入CMD 然後按右鍵以管理員身份登入,然後打

icacls example.exe /setintegritylevel Medium  (example 為檔案名)


至於開不了USB HARDDISK 可能和使用者權限有關,可更改FILE 屬性


icacls C:\*.* /reset /t

(c 是開不到的那個DRIVE, 如是其他DRIVE, 請打相關英文字母






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