用Chat GPT 教寫excel vba 指令,快速製作分析圖表 make Chart quickly

用Chat GPT 教寫excel vba 指令,快速製作分析圖表 make Chart quickly

如果我想將一份問卷( 假設是長的)逐題製作分析圖表,需要不少時間。



Write Excel VBA command to make pie charts (3D) for different questions automatically

Chat GPT 的答案: 

Sure, I'll provide you with VBA code to create a 3D pie chart that aggregates the answers for different questions. In this example, I'll assume the questions are listed in column A (starting from A2), and the corresponding answers are in columns B to F for each question. The data range for each question will be determined dynamically. Here's the code:

Sub CreatePieCharts() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim chartDataRange As Range Dim chartDestination As Range Dim chartTitle As String Dim lastRow As Long Dim questionRange As Range Dim question As Range ' Set the worksheet where the data is located Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with the actual sheet name ' Find the last row of data in column A lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' Set the range containing the questions (assumes each question is in a separate row) Set questionRange = ws.Range("A2:A" & lastRow) ' Loop through each question and create a pie chart For Each question In questionRange chartTitle = question.Value ' Determine the data range for the current question Dim firstDataRow As Long firstDataRow = question.Row Dim lastDataRow As Long lastDataRow = ws.Cells(firstDataRow, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ' Set the data range for the pie chart Set chartDataRange = ws.Range(ws.Cells(firstDataRow, "B"), ws.Cells(firstDataRow, lastDataRow)) ' Set the destination range for the chart Set chartDestination = ws.Cells(firstDataRow, lastDataRow + 2) ' Places the chart two columns to the right of the data ' Create the 3D pie chart CreatePieChart3D ws, chartDataRange, chartDestination, chartTitle Next question End Sub Sub CreatePieChart3D(ws As Worksheet, dataRange As Range, destination As Range, chartTitle As String) Dim cht As ChartObject Dim chartData As Range ' Define the chart data (including the category names and values) Set chartData = Union(dataRange.Offset(0, -1), dataRange) ' Add a new chart to the worksheet Set cht = ws.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=destination.Left, Width:=375, Top:=destination.Top, Height:=225) ' Set chart properties With cht.Chart .ChartType = xl3DPie .SetSourceData Source:=chartData .HasTitle = True .ChartTitle.Text = chartTitle End With End Sub

Please make sure to replace "Sheet1" with the actual name of the sheet containing your data. Also, ensure that the data is arranged as described, with questions in column A and answers in columns B to F for each question. This code will loop through each question, create a 3D pie chart for its corresponding answers, and place the chart two columns to the right of the data for each question.

如要在excel 用VBA巨集功能: 先要在選項-->自訂功能區-->剔選開發人員選項。

而後在開發人員的Tab裡按Visual Basic

右Click 工作表1--> 插入--> 模組

然後貼上Chat GPT 的excel vba 指令。注意"Sheet1"是要改作工作表1

Sub CreatePieCharts() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim chartDataRange As Range Dim chartDestination As Range Dim chartTitle As String Dim questionRange As Range Dim question As Range ' Set the worksheet where the data is located Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("工作表1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with the actual sheet name ' Set the range containing the questions (assumes each question is in a separate row) Set questionRange = ws.Range("B2:B5") ' Replace with the range containing your questions ' Loop through each question and create a pie chart For Each question In questionRange chartTitle = question.Value ' Set the data range for the pie chart (assuming the data is in the same row as the question) Set chartDataRange = question.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, 5) ' Assumes data is in columns B to F ' Set the destination range for the chart Set chartDestination = ws.Cells(question.Row, questionRange.Columns.Count + 10) ' Places the chart two columns to the right of the question ' Create the 3D pie chart CreatePieChart3D ws, chartDataRange, chartDestination, chartTitle Next question End Sub Sub CreatePieChart3D(ws As Worksheet, dataRange As Range, destination As Range, chartTitle As String) Dim cht As ChartObject Dim chartData As Range ' Define the chart data (including the category names and values) Set chartData = Union(dataRange.Offset(0, -1), dataRange) ' Add a new chart to the worksheet Set cht = ws.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=destination.Left, Width:=375, Top:=destination.Top, Height:=225) ' Set chart properties With cht.Chart .ChartType = xl3DPie .SetSourceData Source:=chartData .HasTitle = True .chartTitle.Text = chartTitle .ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent ' Show custom text and percentages on the data labels ' Define custom color scheme for pie chart slices (modify as per your preference) .SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' First slice - Red .SeriesCollection(1).Points(2).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0) ' Second slice - Green .SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) ' Third slice - Blue .SeriesCollection(1).Points(4).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 165, 0) 'Fourth slice - Orange .SeriesCollection(1).Points(5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) 'Fifth slice - Yellow .SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).DataLabel.Text = "Totally Agree" & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(2).DataLabel.Text = "Agree" & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(2).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).DataLabel.Text = "Netural " & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(4).DataLabel.Text = "Disagree" & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(4).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(5).DataLabel.Text = "Totally Disagree " & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(5).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") End With End Sub


Set questionRange = ws.Range("B2:B5") ' Replace with the range containing your questions 由原本A2:A10改作B2:B5,根據問卷設計

.ApplyDataLabels ' Add data labels to the chart 這一句加上了圖表標籤資料,令圖表更清晰。

.SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' First slice - Red .SeriesCollection(1).Points(2).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0) ' Second slice - Green .SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) ' Third slice - Blue .SeriesCollection(1).Points(4).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 165, 0) 'Fourth slice - Orange .SeriesCollection(1).Points(5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) 'Fifth slice - Yellow

設定Pie Chart 顏色

.SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).DataLabel.Text = "Totally Agree" & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(2).DataLabel.Text = "Agree" & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(2).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).DataLabel.Text = "Netural " & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(4).DataLabel.Text = "Disagree" & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(4).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%") .SeriesCollection(1).Points(5).DataLabel.Text = "Totally Disagree " & Format(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(5).DataLabel.Caption, "0.00%")

設定Pie Chart 標籤文字及百分比


這就成功快速製作分析圖表 了。



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